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Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Loyalty is a quality of brotherhood.
For our case, It is a quality for fun

This is 4 Loyalty's corner

Have fun =X
we are
01--Celestine Koh
02--Caroline Oh
03--Pei Mei Xin
04--Vendela Woo
05--Zhou Qianyun

06--Asaph Leh
08--Benton Ching
09--Chow He Nian

11--Christopher Chua
12--Dennis Koh
14--Kingsley Lai

16--Lau Zi Quan
17--Dean Lee
19--Prince Xonora

21--Luis Darkgate?
22--Rug King
23--Marvin Tan
25--Ong Wei Da

27--Zacharias Tan

32--Sandwich Machine KING
33--Wei Tong
34--Edwin Yeap
35--King Leon

Sunday, June 28, 2009
a story @ 6:27 AM

Hi I have a very awesome story which is partially factual.

Once upon a June 18 2009, there was a very awesome guy called Benton. He was a semi-talented person who was organizing a camp for his church group. Everything was going well that Thursday, but little did he know that he was entwined within a horrendous scheme crafted by hardcore underground communists.

Benton was suffering from a flu, but he decided to be a "man" and attend the camp, as he was in charge. Shrugging the flu off, he sneezed openly and spat at little children as he normally did. However, on Friday the 19th, disaster struck.

Benton and his comrades were off to Sentosa to set up some games, when an ominous phone call changed the situation completely. One of his friends was diagnosed with the evil h1n1 virus. All of a sudden, it started pouring. The aliens were giving the denizens of our planet something to drink.

(Several impromptu games, 2 bouts of diahorrea, and a train breakdown later)

7.00 PM, 19/06/09. Benton found himself at CDC 2, getting screened for the contagious virus. A horse faced bitch-lady of a nurse rudely interrogated him as time draggted on. "She looks like a horse!" Benton thought to himself.

3.00 AM, 20/06/09. A fat pinoy nurse tells Benton that hes is negative

3.05 AM, 20/06/09. The doctor tells Benton that he is actually positive. Fat nurse is sent to the torture chamber for screwing up royally. No one has heard from her since. Some say she was deported to the USA and starred as the lead female in a Hollywood movie based on a true story involving giant robots that can transform into automobiles. Fat pinoy nurse! Hot chick in Disguise! you heard it from me first.

Thus began Benton's 5 day ordeal in hospital. (jail)

Day 1 - Many cotton swabs stuffed into nose and 2 blood tests are taken.

Day 2 - Ward mate arrives, Airul. Cool big -sized guy. Helps Benton order Mcdonalds for supper. H1N1 cases skyrocket.

Day 3 - Benton is shipped off to CDC 1 for solitary confinement. Gets too ride an ambulance and wheelchair for the first time in his life. Awesome.

Day 4 - Boredom starts to kicks in. Benton gets a boner while nurse tries to put sensor near his happy place. Benton is not cool at this point in time.

Day 5 midnight - Benton climbs out window while listening to frank sinatra. Caught by nurses and is put under general anaesthetic.

Benton woke up from his sleep, and found himself shackled to a metal base. Two beings with large silvery heads and moustaches stared at him intently, recording his every move on a sheet of paper. "We have survived the cold war, and protected our identity for decades. We felt that the time was right, so we unleashed the H1N1 virus onto human society. Its about time we russian alien hardcore communists moved!" the alien With the larger head snarled. " But why mexico?" Benton questioned. The alien communists grinned and replied in joyous accord "We were on vacation!"

Their grins widened as the alien with the longer moustache brandished a pair of large metal forceps. "It's time for your anal probe!" Benton's face widened in horror.

Suddenly a trio of asian robot ninjas burst into the room and kicked the monkey shit out of the aliens, breaking their faces and ripping their arms off like 3 year old godzillas playing with barbie and ken, only more robotic and asian. Benton heaved a sigh of relief. Out of the choas and smoke that clouded the probing room emerged a tall figure in red spandex. His features were well defined and he spoke with eloquence. With a loud cry he declared "YES WE CAN!" Obama had arrived. It was time for change.

Den scully I balik kampong

The End.

Inspiration taken from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVFdAJRVm94&feature=fvst

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